Transform your practice with our Yoga Asanas Card Deck

What’s inside?

70 yoga cards including:

✿ 59 hatha yoga poses (asanas) classified by category, with teaching cues, benefits, modifications and contraindications for each pose

✿ 6 themed sequences tailored for diverse goals and moods, including Sun and Moon Salutations

✿ 3 breathing techniques (pranayama)

✿ 2 introductory cards to the card deck

The yoga cards are printed on 300gsm high quality art paper, smooth matte finish, with rounded edges. Packed in a beautiful box.

Key Features of the Yoga Cards

  • Extensive Asana Library

    Explore a carefully curated collection of 59 illustrated Hatha Yoga Asanas, with teaching cues for each pose

  • Comprehensive Sequences

    Access 6 themed sequences to structure and enhance your practice

  • Color-coded Categorization

    Each pose is color-coded according to its classification: Warm-Ups, Standing, Balancing, Backbends, Seated Forward Bends, Twists, Inversions, Meditative and Restorative Poses

  • Plenty of Useful Insights

    Each card includes teaching cues, benefits, modifications and contraindications for every pose

  • Accessible Learning

    Perfect for beginners and intermediate practitioners seeking a holistic understanding of yoga. Also makes an ideal tool for Yoga Teacher Training students and new yoga teachers

  • Sun & Moon Classification

    Each card has a sun or moon that classifies every pose as either energizing or calming, helping tailor your practice to your current energy and mood

Front of the card

Back of the card

Each yoga card is color-coded making sequence creation intuitive and enjoyable

Our color-coded system aligns with the traditional Hatha yoga pose categories, simplifying your journey through Warm-Ups, Standing Poses, Balancing Poses, Backbends, Seated Forward Bends, Twists, Inversions, Seated Meditative Poses and Restorative Poses

Explore the transformative power of Hatha Yoga

This yoga card deck is designed to be a tool to a more mindful and balanced approach to yoga


  • Thank you for pre-ordering! We’ve already started shipping the card decks (March) so if you haven’t received it yet, contact us :)

  • All the yoga asanas card decks are shipped from London.

    The customer is responsible for all taxes and duties (including VAT) imposed by your country of residence. Shipping times may vary based on your country’s customs process. Please check to determine potential shipping delays this may cause.

  • Warm-up

    1. Cat & cow - Marjaryasana & Bitilasana

    2. Neck stretches

    3. Seated side stretches - Parsva Sukhasana

    4. Knees-to-chest - Apanasana

    5. Thread the needle - Parsva Balasana


    6. Mountain - Tadasana

    7. Standing forward bend - Uttanasana

    8. Chair -Utkatasana

    9. Triangle - Utthita Trikonasana

    10. Revolved triangle - Parivrtta Trikonasana

    11. Extended side angle - Utthita Parsvakonasana A/B

    12. Warrior 1 - Virabhadrasana I

    13. Warrior 2 - Virabhadrasana II

    14. Reverse Warrior - Viparita Virabhadrasana

    15. Pyramid - Parsvottanasana

    16. Wide-legged forward bend - Prasarita Padottanasana

    17. Garland - Malasana


    18. Tree - Vrksasana

    19. Extended hand to big toe - Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana I & II

    20. Eagle - Garudasana

    21. Warrior 3 - Virabhadrasana III

    22. Half moon - Ardha Chandrasana

    23. Dancer - Natarajasana

    24. High plank - Phalakasana

    25. Side plank - Vasisthasana

    26. Crane - Bakasana

    27. Boat - Navasana


    28. Cobra - Bhujangasana

    29. Upward facing dog - Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

    30. Locust - Salabhasana

    31. Bow - Dhanurasana

    32. Low lunge - Anjaneyasana

    33. Pigeon - Ardha Kapotasana

    34. Bridge - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

    35. Upward plank - Purvottanasana

    36. Fish - Matsyasana

    37. Camel - Ustrasana

    38. Wheel - Chakrasana

    Forward bend

    39. Bound angle - Baddha Konasana

    40. Head to knee - Janu Sirsasana

    41. Sage twist - Marichyasana A

    42. Seated forward bend - Paschimottanasana

    43. Wide-angle seated forward bend - Upavistha Konasana


    44. Revolved easy pose - Parivrtta sukhasana

    45. Half lord of the fishes - Ardha Matsyendrasana

    46. Revolved head to knee - Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

    47. Reclining spinal twist - Supta Matsyendrasana


    48. Downward-facing dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana

    49. Supported shoulderstand - Salamba Sarvangasana

    50. Supported headstand - Salamba Sirsasana

    51. Handstand - Adho Mukha Vrksasana

    52. Plough - Halasana

    Seated meditative

    53. Thunderbolt - Vajrasana

    54. Easy pose - Sukhasana

    55. Staff - Dandasana


    56. Legs up the wall - Viparita Karani

    57. Reclining bound angle - Supta Baddha Konasana

    58 Child’s pose - Balasana

    59. Corpse - Savasana

  • Absolutely, this deck is great for beginners! It's designed to gently guide you through your yoga journey, offering easy-to-follow poses along with helpful teaching cues.
    While it's beginner-friendly, we recommend having practiced a few times to become somewhat familiar with the poses. This way, you can dive into the deck confidently and enjoy exploring your practice at your own pace.

  • Absolutely! This deck is an invaluable tool for yoga teachers, especially those new to teaching. It offers a wide range of poses, sequences, some of the most important teaching cues, modifications and contraindications, making class planning and sequencing so much easier!

  • Yes! Each card provides comprehensive information, including teaching cues, modifications and contraindications, ensuring a safe and beneficial practice.

  • For any queries or assistance, please reach out to us at

  • Absolutely, we offer wholesale options for bulk orders! Our Yoga Asanas Card Deck is available for wholesale purchase, making it an excellent addition to your studio offerings.
    Feel free to reach out and ask for the wholesale options!

Art, yoga and design coming together

Hey there! I'm Irene, an illustrator, graphic designer, and certified yoga teacher. And the human behind these yoga cards!

After practicing yoga for over a decade, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of this practice over my mind and body, and I love sharing the wonders of this practice with everyone I meet!

The idea of creating the Yoga Asanas Card Deck started while I was doing my Yoga Teacher Training. I envisioned a tool to simplify sequence creation, making it more practical and enjoyable. After extensive research, I crafted this deck with beginners, intermediates, and new yoga teachers in mind.

Beyond yoga, I'm also passionate about art and design. I run my own design studio, Holistic Atelier, and an online shop where I sell art prints blending yoga and spirituality.

I also love traveling and living nomadically. Over the past decade, I've lived in seven countries, exploring and absorbing diverse cultures into my life experience and art journey.

I hope this deck becomes your trusted companion on your yoga journey! Feel free to reach out with any questions or thoughts. I'd love to connect with you ♡

Explore Wholesale Opportunities

Stock your store or yoga studio with our Yoga Asanas Card Deck.
Contact us for exclusive bulk pricing and details!